Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eu amo muito o Salgueiro!

I freaking love Salgueiro!!!! Wow!!! Cool convençoes! And the Cavaquinho is blowing my mind apart! Someone please send me to Brazil!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Danca de Quadrado e uma locuraaaaaaa!

I love Brazil!!!!

Here's the original:

And here's one from a TV show with all the people dressed up as the various people who do the actions they tell people to do in the song...

If you are learning Portuguese, it gets funnier everytime as you recognize more words... watch it again once every couple months!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mocidade with passistas on Mais Voce

Another fun video... at the end the Bateria does a thing that I've done before, but I can't remember where. At camp? Maybe it was the advanced-advanced bateria. Good times for all. I still can hardly believe that Mestre Jonas is going the be at camp this year, increivel!

I found this looking for clips with "samba street wear" for Diana from Vamola. We were talking about how passistas are not ALWAYS running around in fantasias and how they normally dress in the quadra. Not saying this clip is a great example of that, but a few kinda fit the not fantasia mold... Watch out for the capo da fusca on the one in the white one piece thing, it kind jumps in your face outta no where :)...

Here's some repinique maddness

That last video sent me on a repinique kick... here's some more madness... I'm off to continue burning partido alto into my brain.

Just a fun video...

Here's a fun little video from the quadra of Viradouro. I really love the repinique, what a wicked little drum...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The forgotten percussionist?

In Brazil, many of the Baterias of the Escolas de Samba have 1 or 2 cymbal players at the very front of the Bateria!!!! I haven't come across this in the US yet, which is very sad. Can anyone teach me to play Samba cymbals?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assiste Globo e mais na rede/Watch Globo and more on the Internet

Oi Galera!

Quero postar mais nesse blog, mas falto tempo... Eu estava muito ocupado com o meu emprego e tocando e dancando tambem! Começava muitos amizades muitos boms e falava muito Portugues nas semanas passadas. Então, quero lhes dar uma riqueza pra melhorar os seus habilidades com o Portugues tambem. Quem fala Portugues disfruta vida mais!

Hi everyone!

I want to post more on this blog, but I don't have time. I've been very busy with work and playing and dancing too! I made many very good new friends and spoke a lot of Portuguese in the last couple of weeks. So, I want to give you guys a resource to improve your Portuguese skills too. Those who speak Portuguese enjoy life more!

TV Globo on the internet

Vale muito! Vai agora e assiste!